
Why Donate?

Your donation can help us to provide advocacy for refugees and people seeking asylum in South Australia. We receive no government funding—we’re here to keep our politicians accountable. That means that we survive on the generosity of our community. Even a few dollars can make a difference.

Make a donation today via direct deposit, cheque or bequest in your will.

Direct Deposit to Justice for Refugees SA BSB: 105 029 ACCT: 080102440 AND please email your details to

Cheque PO Box 6036 Halifax Street Adelaide SA 5000

Due to technical issues with Paypal we are unable to accept online donations at the moment. Please use direct deposit or cheque. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

You can help us to:

  1. Create public awareness in South Australia
  2. Advocate for refugees and people seeking asylum at a local, state and federal level
  3. Provide the latest information and updates to our memberships through our website, newsletter and social media
  4. Contribute to national advocacy coalitions and campaigns
  5. Run projects that improve your community and fight this issue

Donate to Justice for Refugees SA

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Donation Total: $10.00