Get Involved

J4RSA Advocacy Action Groups
How to get involved
As a focal point of Justice for Refugees SA campaigning and advocacy engagement for 2024 & 2025, the J4RSA Management Committee has developed three actions groups.
Short term pre-election action priorities
- Disrupting the Cruelty: changing the current discourse on refugees and people seeking asylum.
- Fair process for those who were treated cruelly by the unfair "Fast Track" process.
Ongoing actions for justice.
- Study rights for all. Advocating for people on short term visas with tertiary study rights
If you are interested in getting involved and working with like minded people in one or more action groups, please email
For further information go to GET INVOLVED

False Claims
Last January false claims about 21,581 visas was repeated by numerous media outlets and by Shadow Home Affairs Minister, Senator James Paterson. After being contacted by RCOA (Refugee Council of Australia) with the correct figures, several issued modest corrections online but the insulting and demeaning references to refugee families remained unchanged
RCOA's push for factual reporting regarding family reunion visas saw last week's embarrassing spiral of misinformation covered by Media Watch, The Guardian and ABC News.
We congratulate RCOA in their determination to ensure the Australian media be held to standards of accuracy and integrity.

Become A member of Justice for Refugees SA
As a member of J4RSA you will be supporting the advocacy and educational work of the organisation. You will also have the opportunity to nominate for the Management Committee and to vote at the AGM.
Fees can be paid Online
Direct Deposit to J4RSA BSB: 105 029 ACCT: 080102440
Cheque PO Box 6036 Halifax St ADELAIDE SA 5000
If you are unsure of your membership status please go to HERE