Membership Registration

We are a small not-for-profit organisation working towards a more inclusive South Australia. We depend on the generosity of our members and donors to provide support and advocacy for refugees and people seeking asylum.

Individual membership

Member benefits:

  • Show your support for improved policies towards refugees and people seeking asylum
  • Attend our fundraising and member meet-up events
  • Get involved via public speaking opportunities, government lobbying, social media campaigns, fundraising, advocacy, workshops and training
  • Receive updates on refugee issues in your community
  • Meet like-minded people who share your concerns and compassion
  • Have your voice heard at the annual general meetings and vote for a committee that represents your values

Corporate membership

Our work to advocate for the rights of refugees and people seeking asylum would not be possible without the support of our valued sponsors.

Our corporate partners provide us with financial assistance and in-kind support. Your organisation can join as a member or contact us to talk about how else you can help.

Member benefits:

  • Show your support for improved policies towards refugees and people seeking asylum
  • Contribute in practical ways to the cause by offering in-kind support
  • Get informed of the latest developments politically, socially and economically
  • Meet like-minded people and organisations who share your concerns and compassion
  • Offer opportunities for staff to work together for a cause
  • Promote your brand as socially responsible and caring
  • Have your voice heard at the annual general meetings and vote for a committee that represents your business’s values

Become a Member

    Are you a new or renewing member?
    New MemberRenewing Member

    Organisation (for organisational members only)

    Postal Address

    I heard about Justice for Refugees SA through:
    Direct EmailWebsiteFriend or FamilyWorkChurchOther

    Payment Type:

    I would like to get involved by:
    Public SpeakingLobbying PoliticiansWriting LettersIT/Database ManagementDonor LiaisonMedia Marketing/PromotionFundraisingAdministrationSocial Media CampaigningSpecial EventsResearch

    I accept and support the aims and objectives of Justice for Refugees SA and agree to pay the membership fees as determined by the organisation. I hereby apply for individual/family/organisational membership.