- How do I log in?
- How do I reset my password?
- If you are already logged in you can go to 'Users' > 'Your profile' and scroll down to 'New Password'. Click on 'Generate Password', change it to whatever you want and then scroll to the bottom and click 'Update Profile'.
- If you are not logged in you can go to and click on the 'Lost your password?' link and follow the instructions.
- How do I edit a page?
OPTION 1 – ‘Live Editor’
1. After logging in go to the page you want to edit e.g. and click on the 'Edit This' link at the bottom of the page
2. Click on ‘Live Editor’ from the list of buttons below the Permalink and before the page content
3. Click on the block of text you would like to edit
4. Edit the text
5. Click the ‘Done’ button
6. Click the ‘Done’ button on the top left-hand side
7. Click the ‘Update’ button on the far right-hand side
OPTION 2 – ‘Traditional Edit’
1. After logging in go to the ‘Pages’ link
2. Click on the name of the page you want to edit text from (or ‘edit’ link) *
3. Hover over the section of text you want to edit and then click on the ‘edit’ link
4. Edit the text
5. Click the ‘Done’ button
6. Click the ‘Update’ button on the far right-hand side
(* if you are logged in and viewing the website, you can click on ‘edit page’ from the bar that appears at the top to edit that page)
- How do I edit the slider on the Home Page?
OPTION 1 – ‘Live Editor’
1. After logging in go and click on the 'Edit This' link at the bottom of the page
2. Click on ‘Live Editor’ from the list of buttons below the Permalink and before the page content
3. Click on the slider
4. Under the first box labeled 'Slider frames' click on 'Add'
5. Click on the 'Frame' that was just created (the last 'Frame' in the list')
6. Where it says 'Background image' click on 'Choose Media' (the image should be 1920 × 758 and ideally under 200k)
7. Drag and drop the image you want to use (or use the 'Upload Media' tab found near the top left-hand side)
8. Click on the image you want to use and click on the 'Set Media' button in the bottom right-hand corner
9. (if you want the slide to be linked to something put the URL where it says 'External URL'
10. Click the ‘Done’ button
11. Click the ‘Done’ button on the top left-hand side
12. Click the ‘Update’ button on the far right-hand side
OPTION 2 – ‘Traditional Edit’
1. After logging in go to the ‘Pages’ link
2. Click on the name of the page you want to edit text from (or ‘edit’ link) *
3. Hover over the slider and then click on the ‘edit’ link
4. Under the first box labeled 'Slider frames' click on 'Add'
5. Click on the 'Frame' that was just created (the last 'Frame' in the list')
6. Where it says 'Background image' click on 'Choose Media' (the image should be 1920 × 758 and ideally under 200k)
7. Drag and drop the image you want to use (or use the 'Upload Media' tab found near the top left-hand side)
8. Click on the image you want to use and click on the 'Set Media' button in the bottom right-hand corner
9. (if you want the slide to be linked to something put the URL where it says 'External URL'
10. Click the ‘Done’ button
11. Click the ‘Update’ button on the far right-hand side
(* if you are logged in and viewing the website, you can click on ‘edit page’ from the bar that appears at the top to edit that page)
- I have made a mistake. How do I got back to an older reversion of the page?
1. While editing the page go to the 'Publish' box at the top and under it click on the 'Browse' link located next to the words 'Revisions: *revisions number*'
2. Find the version you want to go back to by scrolling along the bar at the top
3. Click the 'Restore This Version' button
4. Click the 'Update' button
- How do I edit the page's layout?
All of the pages are made up of rows and columns. In order to change the layout, you need to move these around.
1. While in edit mode hover over the 'spanner' icon found at the top right-hand side above of the row and click on 'Edit Row'
2. Under 'Set row layout' you can change the number of columns the row has and you can use the other settings to determine the ratio of these rows
- If you want to add a row that is the same layout as the row above it (e.g. on the 'Governance' page if you wanted to add another member) you can hover over the 'spanner' icon and click 'Duplicate Row'.
- If you want to create a new blank row, click on the 'Add Row' icon which is 4 boxes, 2 on top of each other, found at the top of the page below the 'Permalink'.
- How do I edit an image ready to use on the site?
If you don't own a photo editing program e.g. Photoshop or Gimp I would recommend the online photo editor pixlr. (Photoshop Express Editor is also another good online editor)
1. Go to pixlr
2. Scroll down and click on 'Pixlr Editor' (not Express)
3. Click on 'Upload image from computer' and choose your image
TO RESIZE AN IMAGE and keep the same ratio (e.g. change an image from 200x100px to 100x50px)
1. Click on the menu item 'Image' > 'Image size...'
2. Change the width to your desired width (and the height will change automatically to constrain the image ratio)
3. Click the 'Ok' button
TO RESIZE AN IMAGE and change the image ratio (e.g. change an image from 200x100px to 100x100px)
There are many ways to do this but here is a good option:
(before you begin make sure your image is larger than the final size you want or otherwise it will appear pixelated)
1. Click on the 'Crop' tool (the first tool on the tool bar)
2. Under the 'Constraint' option that appears below the menu choose 'Aspect Ratio' and put your desired size in the width and height
3. Click and drag your cursor over the image to use the tool to select the part of the image you want to crop
4. When you are happy with the area you have chosen press 'enter' on your keyboard to crop that part of the image
5. If your image width is larger than it needs to be you can now use the image resizing instructions above to make it smaller
- How do I change an image?
OPTION 1 – ‘Live Editor’
1. After logging in go to the page you want to edit e.g. and click on the 'Edit This' link at the bottom of the page
2. Click on ‘Live Editor’ from the list of buttons below the Permalink and before the page content
3. Click on the image you would like to edit
4. Change the image by clicking on the 'Choose Media' button and select an image already uploaded to 'Media' by clicking on the 'Media Library' tab or upload a new file using the 'Upload Files' tab (make sure the image is under 150kb)
5. Click the 'Set Media' button
6. Click the ‘Done’ button
7. Click the ‘Done’ button on the top left-hand side
8. Click the ‘Update’ button on the far right-hand side
OPTION 2 – ‘Traditional Edit’
1. After logging in go to the ‘Pages’ link
2. Click on the name of the page you want to edit text from (or ‘edit’ link) *
3. Hover over the image box you want to edit and then click on the ‘edit’ link (you can work this out by viewing the live page and seeing where the image is in the flow of content)
4. Change the image by clicking on the 'Choose Media' button and select an image already uploaded to 'Media' by clicking on the 'Media Library' tab or upload a new file using the 'Upload Files' tab (make sure the image is under 150kb)
5. Click the 'Set Media' button
7. Click the ‘Done’ button
8. Click the ‘Update’ button on the far right-hand side